Every few seconds, worldwide, someone needs blood. Every. Few. Seconds. Transfusions of blood and blood products literally save millions of lives every year.
Trauma victims. Pregnancy and childbirth complications. Patients undergoing surgery or patients with blood or bone marrow disorders or immune deficiency conditions. Young people. Old people. Anyone could need a blood transfusion at any time.
This Friday 14th June is World Blood Donor Day. A day to acknowledge that health is a human right. Everyone should have access to safe blood transfusions when and where they need them.
But to have access to these, regular blood donations are needed to ensure individuals and communities have access to safe and quality-assured blood and blood products.
It’s time to raise awareness about becoming a blood donor. A regular blood donor.
Safe Blood for all
World Health Organisation (WHO) encourages everybody who can donate blood should consider making regular voluntary, unpaid donations and to ask friends and family to become regular blood donors.
If you are aged 18-70 years, healthy and weigh over 50kg then you may be able to give blood.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service has some fantastic information about donating blood, how long it takes and what you should eat and drink before and after you give blood.
People from all walks of life rely on blood donations each day. This is our opportunity to make a difference to those who need it, and to ultimately feel good about ourselves in the process.
Visit https://www.donateblood.com.au/learn/before-and-after-you-donate for further details